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Paget's disease of the bone
Posted by dkwinter
Labs     PTH           Normal     Ca2+           Normal     Phosphate Normal     ALP             Marke
Palpitations Ddx
Posted by dkwinter
Hx Gradual vs acute onset/offset Context Exertion Caffeine Anxiety Associated symptom
Papillary muscle rupture
Posted by dkwinter
See also: Sequelae of MIPE     New-onset holosystolic murmur at the apexTx     Emergent surgery
Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC)
Posted by dkwinter
See also: Thyroid nodules Epi The most common thyroid malignancy. Sx Characterized by slow, infiltrative local spread affecting other parts of the thyroid gland and regional lymph nodes. Histo &nb
Paralytic agents
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     Rapid Sequence IntubationBroadly divided into two-classes     Non-depolarizing agents block ACh receptors          Typical side-effects include hypotension and tachycardia
Parkinson's Disease
Posted by dkwinter
See also: Differentiation and Diagnosis of Tremor Source: Canadian Family Physician article  
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Posted by dkwinter
Hx CHF Left ventricular failure Tx Nitroglycerin (NTG), either IV, sublingual or topical relieves the dyspnea and tachycardia associated with cargiogenic pulmonary edema by rapidly reducing pr
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
Posted by dkwinter
The most common paroxysmal tachycardia in people without structural heart disease. Etiology     Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia AVNRT*     Atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia AVRT*
Pediatric Amoxicillin Dosage Calculator
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     Pediatric steroid dose calculator     Empiric Antibiotic Selection Assistant     Pediatric Cephalexin Keflex Dosage Calculator Quickly calcu
Pediatric Assessment Triangle
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine 
Pediatric blunt head trauma
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine 
Pediatric Cephalexin Keflex Dosage Calculator
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     Pediatric Amoxicillin Dosage Calculator     Pediatric steroid dose calculator     Empiric Antibiotic Selection Assistant  \$jsmodules/
Pediatric Emergency Drug Card, Tube Sizes and Reference Vitals
Posted by dkwinter
See also: Neonatal medication and tube size guidelines  Specific weight based references from Academic Life in Emergency Medicine"This data was collected by merging data from the Broselow tape and PEMSoft.
Pediatric fever Ddx
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     Age-appropriate Pediatric Fever Without a Source workupHx     Severity     Duration     Associated localizing symptoms     Appetite   
Pediatric formula and milk intake
Posted by dkwinter
AgeFormulabirth - 1 week150 mL or 5 oz/kg/day2 weeks150 mL or 5 oz/kg/day1 month450-750 mL or 15-25 oz per day2 months600-900 mL or 20-30 oz per day
Pediatric immunizations
Posted by dkwinter
Schedule in Newfoundland See: Rota#14moDTap#2
Pediatric Ingestion Dose Thresholds for ED Referral
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine 
Pediatric Medication Handbook
Posted by dkwinter
Compiled by medical staff at Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters a children's hospital in Virginia
Pediatric OTC analgesic dosages
Posted by dkwinter
Acetaminophen10-15 mg/kg/dose every 4 to 6 hours as needed maximum daily dose: 75 mg/kg/day not to exceed 4 g dailyor for children 6 to 11 years: 325 mg every 4 to 6 hours maximum daily dose: 1625 mg Ibuprofen4 to 10
Pediatric Severe Asthma Algorithm over 12 months of age
Posted by dkwinter
Pediatric Severe Sepsis Algorithm over 28 days of age
Posted by dkwinter
Pediatric steroid dose calculator
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     Pediatric Amoxicillin Dosage Calculator     Empiric Antibiotic Selection Assistant     Pediatric Cephalexin Keflex Dosage Calculator \$jsmodules/steroi
PEER simplified lipid guideline 2023 update
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     PEER Simplified Lipid Guideline 2023: Summary     Useful tool: PEERSimplified Cardiovascular Decision Aid       Full Paper &nbs
PEER Simplified Lipid Guideline 2023: Summary
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     PEER simplified lipid guideline 2023 update
Penetrating Abdominal Trauma: Observe vs Laparotomy?
Posted by dkwinter
Peptic ulcer disease
Posted by dkwinter
See also: Abdominal pain DdxPathophysiology     Clinical history cannot accurately distinguish between duodenal and gastric ulcersHx      NSAID useSx     Burning epigastric pain that starts
Peripartum cardiomyopathy PPCM
Posted by dkwinter
Risk factorsmaternal age >30multiple gestationpreeclampsia, eclampsia Clinical featuresLVEF <45%Onset between 36 weeks EGA and 5 months postpartumNo other cause of heart failure Management
Peripheral Artery Disease Testing
Posted by dkwinter
Selected Practice PointsUsually, patients with PAD do not need a test or revascularization procedureDo not suggest a test that will not change a patient's clinical course. Good Indicators for testingRest pain pain in fe
Peritonitis in peritoneal dialysis
Posted by dkwinter
Path Peritonitis in a patient on Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) is usually due to gram-positive pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus or epidermidis. Dx It is usually characteri
Peritonsilar abscess incision and drainage tips
Posted by dkwinter
Prepare an aspiration needle cut the distal 1 cm off the needle cap and replace the needle cap providing an element of safetyHave the patient hold the laryngoscopeSpray benzocaine to the posterior pharynxIdentify the most fluctuant area and i
Personality Disorders by classification and cluster
Posted by dkwinter
 Personality Disorders PDAn exellent summary. Original author unknown.Definitions/Diagnosis     Axis II disorders, "difficult to help" patients= long-standing, rigid, "stable"
Pertussis including algorithm
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine  Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine     
PFT Interpretation
Posted by dkwinter
Pulmonary Function Test Interpretation Ref: Pocket Medicine, 4th Ed.
Posted by dkwinter
Urinary analgesicContraindicated if CrCl<50Dye that exerts local analgesic action on urinary tract mucosa Adult dose labeled:Oral: 100-200 mg 3 times/day after meals for 2 days when used concomitantly with an antib
Phencyclidine (PCP) (drug of abuse)
Posted by dkwinter
Sx Dramatic multidirectional nystagmus Vertical nystagmus (classic) Hypertension Bizarre behavior
PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire Depression Screen
Posted by dkwinter
See also:GAD-7"Over the past two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?"\$jsmodules/phq9.html/Total ScoreInterpretation0-4Not depressed5-9M
Physical Exam and Lab Investigations in patients with Substance Use Disorder
Posted by dkwinter
Physical Exam:HepatosplenomegalyCardiovascular statusRespiratory statusNeedle track marksDocumented baseline mental status examinationSome signs and symptoms of intoxication include the following:Euphoria, dysphoria, motor reta
Physiologic phimosis normal foreskin development
Posted by dkwinter
 Fully retractable %Partial retraction with part of the glans penis visible %Partial phimosis with only the urethral meatus visible and none of the glans penis %Phimosis with nonvisualization of the meatus and gla
Piriformis stretch and lumbar stretch
Posted by dkwinter
Basic stretches for common forms of lower back painPiriformis stretch is excellent for sciatica. May also be adapted to sitting position.Lumbar stretch is very good to relieve acute lower back strain caused by heavy lifting, shoveling, or similar
Pituitary tumors
Posted by dkwinter
Most common Lactotroph adenoma/prolactinoma (50%) Cause amenorrhea and galactorrhea in females Cause hypogonadism in males Somatotroph/growth
Pneumococcal vaccination in Adults
Posted by dkwinter
Key sections of the Canadian Immunization Guide:Recommended schedules for adult 18 years of age and over immunization with pneumococcal vaccineConditions at high risk of invasive pneumococcal disease IPDNote: Tables captured on
Posted by dkwinter
See also:      Cough/shortness of breath Ddx     Pneumococcal pneumonia     Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia     Staphylococcus epidermis pneumonia     Atypical pneumo
PO iron supplementation
Posted by dkwinter
Ferrous sulfate 300 mg PO BID after meals, or ideally with juice on an empty stomachadminister 2 hours prior to, or 4 hours after antacidsIf not tolerated then change to:ferrous fumarate Palaferferrous gluconateIf n
Poiseuille's law
Posted by dkwinter
Polycystic ovarian syndrome PCOS, Stein-Leventhal syndrome
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     Amenorrhea DdxPathophysiology     Cause of anovulation is not completely clear but thought to be due to           Imbalances in LH and FSH production     
Positive Likelihood ratio
Posted by dkwinter
The positive likelihood ratio is the probability of a person who has the disease testing positive divided by the probability of a person who does not have the disease testing positive. I.e. true positives/false positives. Diseas
Post vasectomy semenalysis
Posted by dkwinter
Use backup contraception until:azoospermia on two samples: at 3 months and 4 months post-vasectomy If persistent non-motile sperm, patients can be counselled to cautiously discontinue backup contraception if:seven months h
Postexposure prophylaxis for sexual assault
Posted by dkwinter
ChlamydiaAzithromycin GonorrheaCeftriaxone Hepatitis B     If victim was vaccinated previously:no Hepatitis B prophylaxis is required some references recommend always give Hep B va
Potential Sources of CO in the Home
Posted by dkwinter
1. Fuel-burning appliances like:portable heatergas or wood-burning fireplacegas kitchen range or cooktopgas clothes dryer 2. Damaged or insufficient venting:corroded or disconnected water hea
Posted by dkwinter
See also: EclampsiaSee also: Hypertension in pregnancySee also: Chronic hypertension in pregnancyMild preeclampsia, defined after the 20th week of pregnancy by     BP greater than 140/90     Proteinuria greater t
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     Nausea/vomiting Ddx     Amenorrhea Ddx     Pregnancy test     Routine prenatal careHx     Reproductive age female     Inadequate contracep
Preseptal and orbital cellulitis
Posted by dkwinter
Preseptal cellulitis is an infection of the eyelid anterior to the orbital septum Orbital cellulitis is an infection posterior to the orbital septum Tx Antibiotics for both conditions Preseptal cellulitis may be
Preterm birth outcome data
Posted by dkwinter
PRIDE Score for Acute Heart Failure/CHF
Posted by dkwinter
Source: PRIDE = N-terminal Pro-BNP Investigation of Dyspnea in the Emergency Department 
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Posted by dkwinter
Labs     PTH                 High     Ca2+               High     Phosphate       LowSee also:  
Posted by dkwinter
Hydrocortisone - Framycetin Sulfate - Cinchocaine HCl - EsculinHemorrhoid treatment Rx:     Proctosedyl ointment     Apply to affected area BID after bowel movements PRN.    &nb
Professional Guidance regarding medical use of Marijuana in Canada
Posted by dkwinter
See also: Medical use of Marijuana in CanadaLast updated Sept 12, 2015.CPSBC position statement "Professional Standards and Guidelines - Marijuana for Medical Purposes" [PDF 176 KB] July 2015CFP article "Pres
Posted by dkwinter
Hx     Reproductive age-female with new amenorrheaSx males & females     Visual field defects     HeadachesSx in females     Amenorrhea     GalactorrheaSx i
Proper Bunion Splints picture
Posted by dkwinter
Prostate cancer
Posted by dkwinter
See also: Urinary problems Ddx Hx Nocturia Urgency Weak stream Terminal dribbling Hematuria Lower back pain over the past four mo
Prostate cancer screening and risk calculator
Posted by dkwinter Source Ian M. Thompson Jr, MD
Prostate biopsy pre-test probability calculator based on multiple factors: Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Risk Calculator 2.0 (PCPTRC 2.0): Calcul
Posted by dkwinter
Defined as urinary protein excretion > 150 mg/day Some excreted protein is normal 20% is low molecular type such as Ig 40% is high molecular weight albumin 40% is mucoproteins secreted by t
PSI/PORT Score: Pneumonia Severity Index for CAP
Posted by dkwinter when deciding whether to admit/discharge a patient with community-acquired pneumonia.
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     Psoriatic arthritis     Arthritis     Joint/limb pain Ddx     Skin conditionsHx     Arthritis pain in IP joints of both handsPE     Sc
Psoriatic arthritis flare-up
Posted by dkwinter
Prednisone 15 mg dailyCall/urgent referral to rheum for initiation/change of DMARD
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Posted by dkwinter
Types of PAHWHO group 1Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension PAHWHO group 2PAH due to left heart disease or hypoxemiaWHO group 3PAH due to chronic lung disease e.g. COPD, ILDW
Pulmonary Embolism Clinical Prediction Rules
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine  
Pulmonary Embolus
Posted by dkwinter
Risk factors Virchow's triad Venous stasis Endothelial injury Hypercoagulability Hx of
Pulmonary nodule follow-up
Posted by dkwinter
Fleischner recommendations for pulmonary nodule follow-up: See also excellent powerpoint presentation: PULMONARY NODULE GUIDELINES: PURE GROUND GLAS
Pulsus paradoxus
Posted by dkwinter
Defined as a fall in systolic BP greater than 12 mm Hg upon inspiration. Etiologies Pericardial tamponade Severe asthma exacerbations However, its absence does not rule-out seve
Pulsus parvus and tardus
Posted by dkwinter
Pulsus parvus=decreased amplitude Pulses tardus=delayed pulse upstroke Associated with Aortic stenosis
Pyloric stenosis
Posted by dkwinter
Classic presentation3-6 week old infant with progressively worsening forceful vomitingVomit may have "curdled milk" appearance and occur hours after last feedLate presentation may include features of dehydration Labs