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OARS – Open-Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflective Listening, Summarizations
Posted by dkwinter
OARS&mdasha set of verbal and non-verbal communication skills that helps clinicians and educators in primary care practices to engage and build rapport with patients and assess their needs. --Source OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONSOpen-ended
Obstipation (no stool, no flatus)
Posted by dkwinter
C.f. Constipation Ddx Intestinal obstruction
Onychomycosis treatment
Posted by dkwinter
Oral therapyTerbinafine [Lamisil Terbinex] duration--same for adults & peds: 6 weeks for fingernails, 12 weeks for toenailsMonitoring: less liver complications than azoles but reasonable to check LFTs at baseline and u
Open Fractures and Antibiotics
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine 
Operative note template
Posted by dkwinter
Diagnosis Procedure Surgeon Assistants Anesthesiologist Type of anesthetic Findings Estimated blood loss Complications Disposition (e.g. stable to recovery room)
Opiates (as drugs of abuse)
Posted by dkwinter
E.g. Heroin Sx Pinpoint pupils Withdrawal Sx Not life-threatening, managed symptomatically CNS excitation Diarrhea Mydriasis &n
Opioid Use Disorder definition
Posted by dkwinter
An Overview of OUDThe term &ldquoOpioid Use Disorder&rdquo OUD was previously referred to as opioid abuse and opioid dependence in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision DSM-IV-TR. These diagnoses
Oral acid suppressants
Posted by dkwinter
H2-receptor antagonistsDrug nameStandard doseCostRanditidine Zantac150-300 mg per day in 1 to 2 divided doses\$0.30-0.60/dayCimetidine Tagamet200-1200 mg per day in 1 to 2 divided doses
Order of Draw for Multiple Tube Collections and Tube Additive Guide
Posted by dkwinter Source Becton Dickinson
From: From:   &nbs
Osgood-Schlatter disease
Posted by dkwinter
Path Periods of rapid growth in which the quadriceps tendon puts traction on the apophysis of the tibial tubercle where the patellar tendon inserts. The traction is worsened by sports that involve repetitive runnin
Posted by dkwinter
See also: Bone endocrine diseases Sx     Defective mineralization of the bone     Softening of the bone     Development of deformities, particularly in the weight-bearing bones of the lower ex
Osteomyelitis Notes
Posted by dkwinter
If high clinical suspicion, obtain x-rays, CBC, CRP, blood cultures and discuss with ortho to ascertain need for bone bx.If not systemically unwell, oral antibiotics are usually good enough until seen by ortho. E.g.Cephalexin 500 mg po qid
Posted by dkwinter
Pathophysiology     Most common sites of fracture are           Throacic and lumbar vertebral bodies          Neck of the femur          Distal radiusH
Osteoporosis Canada 10 year fracture risk calculator
Posted by dkwinter this tool requires Microsoft Silverlight, an antiquated plugin that is not supported by all browsers. It is also available for iOS. Quick Reference Guide from Ost
OTC baby meds
Posted by dkwinter
Of course, use medications sparingly in infants and children. Colic, bloating, flatulenceSimethicone Ovol OTC, dosing as labeled TeethingHyland's homeopathic teething tablets OTC, dosing as labeled. N.b. Effi
Ottawa knee, ankle, and foot rules
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency MedicineSee also: Revised and validated Ottawa ankle rules 
Overactive Bladder Ddx
Posted by dkwinter
In MenBPH Benign Prostatic HypertrophyBladder outlet obstructionUrethral stricture In WomenUTIProlapseUrethral obstructionAtrophic vaginitisBladder pain syndromeMultiple sclerosisRecent pelvic surgery
Overanticoagulation and supratherapeutic INR
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine 
Oxygenation & Ventilation
Posted by dkwinter
See also     Supplemental oxygen     Mechanical ventilation Oxygenation     O2 problems, think shunt     Adequate if               Sp