Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine
Sofracort ii-iii drops TID-QID
Alcoholic ketoacidosis
Methanol (metabolized to formic acid)
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Any one of these:PaO2 < 55%PaO2 < 60% if signs of right heart failure, cor pulmonale, pulmonary hypertension or polycythemiaHct > 56%SpO2 <= 88% continuously for 6 minutesSpO2 <= 87% on room air continuously for 1 min
Alternatives worth trialing in cases of colicSimilac sensitive if sensitive to lactoseNestle goodstart smoothNeutramagin Enfamil handout #1Download as PDF [1 MB] Enfamil handout #2Download as PDF [1 MB
See also:     Detailed Menstrual Cycle Chart PEBMIThyroid examGalactorrheaHirsutism, acne, male pattern baldness, virilizationAdnexal tenderness or massesPouch of Douglas tenderness PID or en
See also:
Fever in a child less than 30 days old
Fever in a child 30-90 days old
Fever in a child greater than 90 days old
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine
See also:     Rapid sequence intubation     Predictors of a difficult airwayDesflurine [BLUE] - expensive     Advantages:          Faster on and off if duration of use is &
See also:Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program NLPDP Example asthma treatment ladder:First-line: Salbutamol Second-line: Salbutamol + Fluticasone Third-line: Salbutamol + Flut
Source: Antiplatelet therapy:"Subsequent studies have shown the addition of aspirin to VKA therapy in patients wit
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Activities of Daily Living ADLsFeedingContinenceTransferringToiletingDressingBathing Instrumental Activities of Daily Living IADLsUsing the telephoneShoppingPreparing foodHousekeepingDoing laundry
Source: Sketchy Medicine  
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine 
MethodScoreInterpretationSingle cutoff<24AbnormalRange<21>25Increased odds of dementiaDecreased odds of dementiaEducation&
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine     
Download as PDF [218 KB] Full text: Page 1 of 4 DI-RAD-CP-006 v.1 Oct11-18Table 1. Periprocedural Coagulation Parameter Surveillance and Medical Management ofPatients Undergoing Percutaneous Image-G
See also: Sequelae of MIPathophysiology     Causes a VSD not a pericardial tamponadeSx     New holosystolic murmur
Atrial myxomas are the most common primary intracardiac tumor. Approximately 80% arise in the left atrium.
Low-grade fevers
Weight loss
Signs of tumor embolization (e.g. focal neurological Vitamin D3 300,000 IU IMRecheck in 6-12 weeks
The prevalence of iron deficiency in heart failure is 40-50%It presents with AND WITHOUT anemiaIn heart failure, iron deficiency independent of baseline Hgb/Hct is associated with higher rates of CV morbidity and mortality, higher rate of hospi
HistoryPrior vascular issues CAD, stroke, prior ischemiaSmokingHTNDLDMAtrial fibrillation PresentationPainful legCold legWeak legFrequent falls LabsCBCCRPRenal function
Bacteriocidal. Inhibits mycolic acid biosynthesis. Also disrupts DNA, lipid, carbohydrate and NAD synthesis and metabolism.
See also
Respiratory Infection Formulary
Part of DOTS (directly observed ther
If failed PO supplementation and non-dialysis dependent patient.Administer at ambulatory care:Venofer Iron sucrose 200mg IV on five separate occasions over 14 daysORFerrlecit Ferrous gluconate 125 mg in 100 mL NS over 1 hour qWeek