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H.E.A.D.S.S. interview for Adolescents
Posted by dkwinter
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Hair loss
Posted by dkwinter
LabsCBCFerritinIron studiesTSHDHEA-sulfateTestosteroneZinc EtiologiesAlopocia areata patchy or diffuse Treatment: Dermovate lotion AAA twice dailyTriamcinolone acetonide
Handling MAiD Enquiries
Posted by dkwinter
Clarify what the patient is askingSometimes we say things we may not mean: Think about a time when you had severe pain and/or discomfort, you may have expressed wishes that were never meant to materialize. Begin with Valid
Handy drug price checker
Posted by dkwinter is better covers more drugs while having a decent interface than these other popular sites recently tested: <-- does not include some common drugshttp://www.pharmac
Harmony cell-free DNA-based Non-Invasive Prenatal Test Brochure
Posted by dkwinter
Download Harmony Brochure as PDF [672 KB] Source:
Head CT clinical decision rules in trauma
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine
Headache Ddx
Posted by dkwinter
General Migraine (complicated) Tension headache Cluster headache Caffeine or analgesic withdrawal Hypertension Depression Infec
Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index HAQ-DI Calculator
Posted by dkwinter
Heart failure
Posted by dkwinter
See also:Cough/shortness of breath Ddx2021 CCS/CHFS Heart Failure Guidelines Update -- HFrEF ClassificationNYHA functional classesEtiologyStage in development & progressionLeft ventricular ejection fraction LVE
Posted by dkwinter
A multi-organ system disease Etiology Primary (genetic) Secondary Blood disorders Hemolytic anemias Thala
Hemodynamic parameters and reference ranges
Posted by dkwinter
ParameterFormulaNormal rangeStroke volume 60-100 mL/beatCardiac outputHR x SR4-8 L/minCardiac indexCO/BSA2.5-4 L/minRAP/CVP 0-8 mmHg
Posted by dkwinter
Hx Usually have been apparent through most of the patient's life Ddx Sickle cell anemia Thalassemia Hemoglobin C disease See also: Anemia Ddx
Hepatitis A & B titres to check for immunity
Posted by dkwinter
Labs to order when a patient doesn't know if they've had Hepatitis A and/or Hepatitis B immunization:HBsAb normal/protective is >= 10 IU/LHAV IgG normal/protective is "Reactive" If patient lacks immunity to
Hepatitis C screening
Posted by dkwinter
The Canadian Liver Foundation Recommends screening ALL adults born between 1945-1975 and those with risk factors.Hepatitis C risk factorsIllicit injection or intranasal drug use or shared drug paraphernalia past or presentBorn or resid
HINT exam for localizing the source of ataxia and/or vertigo
Posted by dkwinter
See also:Ataxia DDxAtaxia by Time Course Used to assess acute vestibular syndrome AVS, defined as acute onset and persistent vertigo, gait instability, nausea/vomiting, nystagmus, and head motion intolerance. 
Posted by dkwinter
Source: AFP 2009 Hoarseness in Adults     See Figure 1 for good anatomical imageSee also:     Croup vs Epiglottitis Hoarseness: Abnormal vocal quality breathy, strained, rough, raspy, high or l
Hormone replacement therapy typical doses
Posted by dkwinter
EstrogenStarting: 0.5 mg oral estradiol&asympCE 0.300 mg oral tablet&asymp25 mcg transdermal 17-beta estradiol.May increase to: 37.5 mcg transdermal 17-beta estradiol.May increase to: 1 mg oral estradiol&asympCE 0.625 mg oral tabl
HRT taper schedule
Posted by dkwinter
13 Week Taper Off 0.625 mg Conjugated EstrogenRequires 46.5 x 0.625 mg tablets and a pill cutter SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayWeek 10.625 mg0.
Posted by dkwinter
Etiologies Hyperparathyroidism is the most common cause in ambulatory patients 80% are solitary parathyroid adenomas Parathyroid hyperplasia
Hypercalcemia algorithm from Eastern Health
Posted by dkwinter
Posted by dkwinter
See also:     Hyperkalemia Management Ddx     Medication side-effect          Nonselective beta-blockers Interferes with beta-2-mediated intracellular potassium uptake  &n
Hyperkalemia management
Posted by dkwinter
Source: Academic Life in Emergency MedicinePotassium regulation1. Internal K shift: modulated by insulin, catecholamines, acid-base status2. Total body K elimination: By kidney 95% and gut 5% Adverse effects of hyperkalemia
Hypertension Canada Guidelines and initial treatment tables
Posted by dkwinter
From 2017 Hypertension Canada Guidelines of Adult Hypertension PDF2017 Hypertension Canada Guidelines of Pediatric Hypertension PDF2017 Hypertension Canada Guideline
Hypertensive encephalopathy
Posted by dkwinter
A true medical emergency Can cause coma and death over hours Encephalopathy from hypertension is more likely reversible than hypertension from other causes (e.g. hypertensive stroke) Mgmt Avoid overzealous blood pressure lowering is
Hypertensive urgency & emergency
Posted by dkwinter
Hypertensive urgencyBP >=180/120 with NO symptoms except possibly isolated headacheManage with oral meds, follow up in hours to daysNifedipine IR 10 mg PO usually causes BP to drop within 10-20 minutes, may then switch to extended rele
Hyperthyroidism workup
Posted by dkwinter
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HOCM)
Posted by dkwinter
Pathophysiology Interventricular septal hypertrophy Hx More common in African Americans Autosomal dominant inheritance Sx Syncope (possibly multifactorial)
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder HSDD
Posted by dkwinter
Causes includeMental health concerns e.g. stress, anxiety, past sexual abuseRelationship conflictInadequate stimulationBehavioral factors such as alcohol and smokingHPA dysfunction see investigations, belowDrug side effects
Hypocalcemia algorithm from Eastern Health
Posted by dkwinter
Hypogonadism diagnostic algorithm 2012
Posted by dkwinter
Source: 15 minute CME podcast on ReachMD:
Posted by dkwinter
Note: electrolyte disturbances often occur together, check others Ca^2+, Mg^2+, PO4^2-Medications Associated with HypokalemiaAdapted from