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Onychomycosis treatment
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Posted by dkwinter
Oral therapy
Terbinafine [
Lamisil; Terbinex]
(duration--same for adults & peds: 6 weeks for fingernails, 12 weeks for toenails)
Monitoring: less liver complications than azoles but reasonable to check LFTs at baseline and up to q6weeks; also check CBC
Interactions: inhibits CYP2D6--less interactions than with azoles
Adult dose:
250 mg PO daily
Pediatric doses:
10-20 kg: 62.5 mg PO daily
20-40 kg: 125 mg PO daily
Above 40 kg: 250 mg PO daily
Itraconazole [
Sporanox; Onmel]
(6 weeks for fingernails, 12 weeks for toenails)
Monitoring: check LFTs at baseline and approx. q6weeks. Also follow renal function.
Interactions: inhibits CYP3A4--interactions common
Adult dose:
200 mg PO daily
Pediatric dose (pulse dosing: daily for one week per month x 2 months for fingernails, or 3 months for toenails):
Less than 20 kg: 5mg/kg PO daily
20-40 kg: 100 mg PO daily
40-50 kg: 200 mg PO daily
More than 50 kg: 200 mg PO BID
Monitoring: periodic monitoring of LFTs, renal function and potassium
Monitoring is generally NOT required for pulse therapy
Interactions: inhibits CYP3A4--interactions common
Pediatric dose (12-16 weeks for fingernails, 18-26 weeks for toenails)
3-6 mg/kg PO given as just one dose per week
Topical therapy
Efinaconazole 10% solution
distal lateral subungual onychomycosis
Efficacy ~15% cure rate at one year
Apply to affected toenail(s) once daily for 48 weeks
A couple other topical options have success rate in the 5-7% range. For more info see: