Dental Trauma
Posted by dkwinter

Source: Academic Life in Emergency Medicine

See also: Dental Videos at (topics include: nerve blocks, topical anesthestics, hemostasis, dressings, avulsed tooth management, carie care, dry socket care, fractured tooth care) 



Ellis classification
     Ellis I
          Includes crown fractures that extend only through the enamel
          Teeth are usually nontender, and without visible color change, but have rough edges
     Ellis II
          Fractures that involve the enamel and dentin layers
          Teeth are typically sensitive to cold, hot, touch, and/or air exposure
          A yellow-tinged layer of dentin is typically visible on examination
          Require immediate dental consultation to prevent abscess formation
     Ellis III
          Involve the enamel, dentin, and pulp layers
          Teeth are extremely sensitive, and have a visible area of pink, red, or even blood at the center of the tooth
          Require immediate dental consultation to prevent abscess formation

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