To be considered low risk all criteria must be met:
- Infant appears well (no signs of toxicity)
- No skin, soft tissue, bone, joint, or ear infection
- Previously health infant
- Term birth
- No perinatal antibiotic therapy
- No history of unexplained hyperbilirubinemia
- No previous or current antibiotic therapy
- Not previously hospitalized except for birth (not hospitalized for longer than the mother)
- No chronic or underlying illness
- Laboratory values
- Peripheral WBC count of 5000-15,000/mm^3
- Total band count of <1500/mm^3
- <=10 WBC/hpf (x40) on microscopic examination of spun urine sediment
- <=5 WBC/hpf (x40) on microscopic examination of a stool smear (in infants with diarrhea)