Reduction of posterior dislocation of elbow
Posted by dkwinter

If right elbow

  • Place patient's right elbow at 120 degrees (slightly flexed)
  • Place left hand on forearm, apply traction away from elbow
  • Place right hand on upper arm with right thumb on olecranon, fingers curled around biceps
    • Apply countertraction and anterior and medially directed force to olecranon with thumb
  • Apply traction with left hand
  • Slightly flex elbow to 90 degrees
  • You will feel a clunk
  • Apply backslab at 90 degrees, leave on for two weeks
  • Post-reduction films
  • +/- ortho consult


If left elbow (same as above just reoriented for ease of use):

  • Place patient's left elbow at 120 degrees (slightly flexed)
  • Place right hand on forearm, apply traction away from elbow
  • Place left hand on upper arm with left thumb on olecranon, fingers curled around biceps
    • Apply countertraction and anterior and medially directed force to olecranon with thumb
  • Apply traction with right hand
  • Slightly flex elbow to 90 degrees
  • You will feel a clunk
  • Apply backslab at 90 degrees, leave on for two weeks
  • Post-reduction films
  • +/- ortho consult