Serum ferritin reference ranges and Iron-Deficiency Anemia
Posted by dkwinter

See also:

IV iron supplementation


Serum ferritin reference ranges
Age Males Females
4 d - 14 d 100-717 mcg/L
15 d - 5 m 12 - 647 mcg/L
6 m - 11 m 12 - 182 mcg/L
1 y - 4 y 12 - 100 mcg/L
5 y -13 y 15 - 79 mcg/L
14 y - 15 y 15 - 83 mcg/L 30 - 67 mcg/L
16 y - 18 y 30 - 172 mcg/L 30 - 67 mcg/L
19 y - 49 y 30 - 300 mcg/L 30 - 160 mcg/L
50 y + 30 - 300 mcg/L 30 - 300 mcg/L

Reference limits from WHO guidelines for young children; values associated with a likelihood ratio for 2.5 for older children and adults; other values from or based on manufacturer recommendations for ferritin assay.



  • Hypochromic microcytic RBS of IDA are a relatively late manifestation of iron deficiency.
    • About 15-25% of patients with IDA have ferritin levels within the range of 30 - 100 mcg/L. Consider impact of chronic and inflammatory disease.
    • Elevated CRP with serum ferritin < 100 mcg/L may suggest IDA complicated by inflammation.
  • The gold standard method for determining level of body iron stores is staining of bone marrow.