Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is:
RMSF is the most severe spotted fever rickettsiosis (SFR) in the US. Current surveillance does not distinguish between SFR and RMSF because commonly used diagnostic testing cannot differentiate among the spotted fever group Rickettsiae. This course will focus on RMSF, but it is important to remember that other spotted fevers may present similarly to RMSF during early illness; all are treated with the same medication.
Awareness and early recognition are key to reducing RMSF morbidity and mortality.
RMSF is the most severe rickettsiosis in the US, with mortality rates as high as 25% in untreated cases.
Half of deaths from RMSF occur during the first 8 days of illness.
Rash in RMSF:
Late onset rash is a risk factor for fatal outcome.
Providers should never wait for the rash to begin treatment.
Patients often seek care within 1–3 days of illness onset. However, rash associated with RMSF most often appears 2–4 days after symptoms begin, although this can vary widely between patients. Never wait for the rash to begin treatment with doxycycline!
Doxycyline is the treatment of choice for RMSF in all age groups.
Other investigations
Keep RMSF in your differential whenever you are dealing with fever, headache, myalgia, and potential tick exposure!
Providers can prevent future tickborne disease by encouraging patients to prevent tick bites:
Use Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents containing one of the following active ingredients:
Treat clothing, boots, and gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin or buy pre-treated clothing.
A single treatment lasts through several washes (follow product instructions).